Sunday, May 3, 2009

current status

Tristin and I are doing as well as can be expected with everything thats going on, or at least I should re-phrase that, I am doing as well as can be expected. My rent is due the 8th and I don't have it, therefore I am looking at getting in to a based on income apartment somewhere in town. I have applications and resumes out all over town and have not heard anything from any one, which is fairly discouraging, but I ahvent given up yet. My unemployment is still pending as I am having to appeal it since my former employer is trying to not pay it. I have however applied for and received food stamps and tenncare, so at least Tristin and I have food to eat and health insurance again.

Last Thursday Tristin and I went to the park with our best friends (my friend Jamie and her son Tyler), after we left the park, we could smell gas in the car, then about 2 1/2 miles down the road we smelled something burning, then smoke started flooding into the cab of the car. She was able to stop the car in time for all of us to get out (her brother was with us also), before the flames really started getting bad. It was a wake up call for all us and we are all grateful to be alive today. Tristin has been affected by it, has been having nightmares and has been very concerned about Tyler and Jamie, asking constantly where they are and that he wants to talk to them and that Jamies car caught on fire. He has reverted in many ways, mainly with his potty training, he has been having accidents again where he hadnt had any in quite some time. So we are dealing with that and trying to get back to where we were with everything (his attitude and behavior reverted from being in California with his dad as far as discipline and hitting and biting, as he is doing it all again but much worse than ever before).

So for now that is where we are and what we are doing, Sorry its not much of an update but it's something. I'll let you know anymore when it happens.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Last week

I hope this finds each and every one of you and your families doing well. I just wanted to let everyone know what is going on with Tristin and I, as I have yet to do a family update email, and I apologize for it, though I enjoy receiving and reading how every one is doing.

I let Tristin go to cali for a week and a half (the 7th thru yesterday). After I had dropped him off at the airport with his stepmom to fly to Cali, I drove up to WI to see a friend. Came back Monday the 13th, went in to work tuesday and the owner (I work for a small family business) was there and fired me. There were 2 or 3 files I hadn't completed before I left on vacation, and he fired me on the grounds of failure to complete the work. I have worked there for 2 1/2 years and never done anything like this before, but Tennesse is an Employment at will state. I have filed unemployment, and even if the company refuses to pay it, I can appeal it as they did not give me the oppurtunity to rectify the situation. I now qualify for Tenncare (state health insurance) and Food stamps. I have a couple applications and my resume out right now through the career center and have been doing online job searches as well. I have several options available to me, one being to move back to Cali. I have not decided anything yet, and have been praying that God leads me in the correct path for Tristin and I, whatever and wherever it may be. I am taking things one day at a time, sometimes one hour at a time, and trying to get through. I appreciate all the support and help I have already receiving from those whom have given it.

Tristin is getting bigger every day. I guess he had a good time in Cali with his father. He (Tristin) and I have worked hard to get where we were before he left (as far as him obeying me and doing as he's told and everything like that), and now I'm back to square one with him since his father doesn't enforce any of it, regardless of my pleas for him to. Today alone he threw a book at me twice and hit me in the face each time with it, so his aim has increasingly improved since he's been gone. I'm hoping and praying that it won't take near as long this time as it did before to get back to where we were.

The time he spent in Cali is the longest he and I have ever been apart from eachother, and I'm ecstatic to have him back, and already him being back has helped me emotionally and mentally with my situation of losing my job and everything. I don't know what I'm going to do yet at this point, but as I said before, I appreciate everyone's support in my current situation

Saturday, February 28, 2009


This has been a long but interesting week.

Monday through Thursday I had company. A good friend of mine came to see me and it was a very nice visit. There were/are a lot of people who have judged me over inviting my friend to stay with me, and its stressed me out quite a bit. I understand that they care about me and are concerned about me, but I don't regret it in the least and am glad I was able to spend the time with him that we did. He left Thursday morning when I left for work, and I miss him but am glad we are able to talk every day still.

Beginning Thursday night, Tristin has been completely aweful and has really worn me down. He is not listening to me at all, he screams at me, tells me no, kicks me and hits me (or at least tries to), isnt going to bed or doing what he's told or asked in the slightest bit. I have gotten so nerve wrecked over the past three days that it is affecting me physically. I have even gotten to the point of seriously considering sending him to spend time with his dad in cali. I don't understand why he won't mind me. I do the same things my friends do and he listens and minds them, but not me. It's very frustrating. I have listened to all their advice and I have utilized that advice, but it still doesnt work for me.

Every Friday and Sunday Tristin and I go to Murfreesboro with my best friend, Stephanie. Last night when we got back, he refused to go to bed, and I was already extremely exhausted. After he finally passed out (and I don't even know what time it was, like midnight or something), I broke down, and my friend that had come to visit called and talked me through it. Everything that has been going on the past week or so has stressed me out so much (with the exception of my friend actually being here), that Tristin misbehaving last night was the last straw. Then today I was talking to Steph and broke down on the phone with her. She came over with her son and hung out for awhile, helped me with Tristin and got my mind off of things a bit. It helped a lot.

I have learned a lot since living on my own with Tristin. I know that I do not NEED a man to live or rely on. I have wonderful friends. That said, though I don't need a man, I am tired of being alone. I will not settle for just anyone, as I feel I have done in the past. There are specific things I want in a companion and I will not settle for less than I deserve. I am not looking right now, rather am more or less waiting for him to find me.

I have realized that living in this town is driving me crazy. I feel like I am dying inside the longer I stay here. I have been thinking more and more about moving, though its just a matter of where and when that I have not worked out. So that is what has been going on with me and Tristin. Hope everyone else is doing well...or at least better than us.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Here we are

Okay so finally I have created a blogspot for Tristin and I. I figure since I have myspace and facebook, why not this too?

Tristin and I are doing well over here in Tennessee. He still asks about everyone and wants to still play with his cousins, occassionally asking "Where my cousins at?" and when I tell him California, he just says "Oh." Then starts talking about getting on a plane to go see them again. LOL.

It has been nearly three months since we moved out of the house with Mark. Mark and I still talk on rare occassion, he is doing well, and we both still agree it is for the best that we ended our relationship when we did. Tristin and I still both miss him, but it is getting easier. We are doing pretty good just the two of us, and are getting better. Fortunately, even though Kevin is in California, his dad still lives here in town so Tristin gets to see him once in awhile. Gives both Tristin and I a little break from eachother, which is generally in need when it comes.

Tristin is 2 1/2 now and is almost fully potty trained. The only time he wears a pull up is to bed and I am going to put an end to that soon enough as I now have a washer and dryer in the house. He is learning new things every day and is so intelligent. He knows his ABC's and can count to 20. He still loves music and I can't tell you how many times he watches The Lion King each least once a day. LOL. I took him to an appointment at the Health department this past wednesday, he still only weighs right around the 30lb mark but he has a belly and is okay. He has his fathers' metabolism, which I'm grateful for. Lol. He is 40 inches tall already and I anticipate that he will be as tall as me with in the next few years lol.

I am still working at Cumberland Plateau Recovery. I have worked there for just over two years now. The people I work for are amazingly generous and kind. I enjoy my job and fear that with the economy the way it is, that it may end sooner than I hope...that the state insurance may drop behavioral health coverage and the state insurance is the primary income for our business. So, naturally, that worries me.

Everything is going pretty well though. I completed the leasing process on my car, so I fully own it now, which is a satisfactory feeling of accomplishment. I never missed a payment and I was never late on a payment. As soon as I get my tax refund, I plan on getting caught up on utility bills and that's me completely caught up on everything. It's a wonderful feeling to not have to rely on child support to get by, though it would help and would be nice, I don't have to have it.

I have a few great friends who have helped me out tremendously in their own ways. One is which my best friend, Stephanie, gets Tristin and I out of town every friday and sunday by taking us with her to pick up her son (fridays) and drop him off (sundays) in Murfreesboro. This has become something that both Stephanie and I look forward to every weekend. She usually drives there, and I drive back. But just getting out of town helps us a lot. Murfreesboro would be the equivelant to going to Sacramento from Chico. lol.

We are both doing well though, and I am doing a lot better being on my own. May even consider starting to date again soon, but don't know. Depends on if there is anyone worth dating that comes along. lol. I have been looking out for Tristin and myself first and plan on doing that no matter what.

I hope every one is well and thank every one for their support. I love you all and miss you all very much. Maybe a road trip in the works for this year, but we'll see.